These images are taken from my collection of old radio memorabilia. Nothing here is less than about twenty years old, so please don’t ask me for copies.
- Programme schedule time zone information
- Programme schedule and transmitter beam map
- International Listeners’ Club membership card
- International Listeners’ Club information
- Apology letter for lack of large paper clips
- BRT Wereldomroep sticker
- ‘The voice of the Flemish community in Belgium’ leaflet, front cover
- ‘The voice of the Flemish community in Belgium’ leaflet, back cover with frequency list
- International Listeners’ Club information
- ‘P O Box 26’ editorial, dated 24.06.1989, page 1
- ‘P O Box 26’ editorial, dated 24.06.1989, page 2
- ‘P O Box 26’ editorial, dated 24.06.1989, page 3
- ‘Club Echo’ front cover 1
- ‘Club Echo’ front cover
- ‘Club Echo’ December 1990 contents page, with printed signatures of staff
- Picture of BRT staff (Blackie Blackwell, Steve Smith, Liz Sanderson, Colin Clapson, Paul Rans, Frieda Van Wijck, Frans Vossen)
- Postcard of BRT staff, front (An Mulders, Liz Sanderson, Frans Vossen, Frieda Van Wijck)
- Postcard of BRT staff, reverse
- QSL card, dated 3/7/89
- International Listeners’ Club reception report form
1 I have a large number of ‘Club Echo’ magazines — it seems that the requirement to submit regular reception reports wasn’t well enforced! I’ve only scanned a small selection of covers and articles; please contact me if you’d like me to look for anything specific.
Ervin Nemeth
Some nice memories on this page 🙂 BRT was the first SW station I’ve become a club member of.